The staff (rear) parking lot will be closed on Saturday, February 15th, for the Lunar New Year Lion Dance Celebration. For overflow parking, please use the parking garage or mall food court lot. Note that book donation drop-offs cannot be made by driving up. The lot will reopen on Sunday, February 16th. Thank you for your understanding.

Summer Quest 2023 for Kids, Teens and Adults

Jun 8, 2023

Kids (Pre-K to Grade 5)

Watch our Summer Reading YouTube Video at: All together together – YouTube

The 2023 Summer Reading Program begins on June 5th! Summer readers, Pre-K to Grade 5, should try to read or listen to books every day for at least 30 minutes – and it doesn’t even need to be all at once! More is even better, but it still counts for just that day. You’ll be able to keep track online or on a paper calendar that can be picked up from Chester County Library or Henrietta Hankin Branch Library starting June 1st. Then, at the end of the summer, you’ll earn a bronze, silver, or gold medal, depending on how many days you have logged.

Participants will also be able to participate in the 2023 Patch Power program and earn embroidered patches to hang on backpacks or sew onto clothes. Independent activities for a total of 3 will earn each patch – it’s that easy! The new patches for 2023 are Brickmaster, Local Haunts, Map Mania, and Once Upon A Time. You’ll also be able to earn any of our patches from previous years to complete your collection.

  • Beginning Thursday, June 1st, register and pick up your materials in the Youth Services Department.
  • If you prefer an online Summer Reading experience, set up an account in Beanstack and virtually complete your summer activities and reading log.
  • Try to read or listen to stories every day from Monday, June 5th to Sunday, August 13th.
  • Use your reading record to cross off one square every day you READ or LISTEN to books for at least 30 minutes. You can become an Award Winning Reader!
  • Attend great programs at the library. Infant, PreK, K-5th grade, and Family Programs are scheduled all summer long!
  • Visit the Library with your reading record between August 12th and September 10th to receive your Reading Medal for reading all summer. For entry into raffles, please return the reading record by Sept 2.

For weekly children’s programming information please check the Chester County Library Calendar of Events.

Teens (For students entering Grades 6-12)

  • Beginning Thursday, June 1st, pick up your Summer Reading Bingo Sheet in the Teen Zone (second floor).
  • If you prefer a virtual Summer Reading experience, sign up for the Teen challenges through Beanstack.
  • Try to read every day from June 5th to August 13th.
  • On your Bingo sheet, complete reading challenges and activities to check off five (5) boxes in a line diagonally, across, or down. See Bingo Sheet for details. One Bingo per sheet.
  • When you complete one (1) Bingo, return to the Teen Zone desk to receive 3 raffle tickets and a Grand Prize raffle ticket. baskets are on display in the Teen Zone.
  • Maximum of three (3) Bingo sheets for the summer.
  • All Bingo sheets and raffle tickets must be turned in by September 2 to be eligible for raffle basket drawings.

For weekly teen’s programming information please check the Chester County Library Calendar of Events.


The Adult Summer Reading Program, All Together Now, is designed for adults age 18 & up to encourage life-long reading habits.

Read and/or complete as many activities as you are able using the Bingo card provided. Enter the name of the book, magazine, music CD, or activity (program, museum, park, trail, etc.) on the corresponding numbered line. Please use book titles only once. Unless otherwise specified, every “Reading” square can be completed with any format you prefer — read a print book, an eBook, or listen to an audiobook! Books should be at the adult or young adult reading level. For each square you mark off, your odds of winning a general prize will increase. Get BINGO (5 squares in a row, column, or diagonal) and you will be entered in the Grand Prize drawing. Each participant may earn only one Grand Prize entry.

Can’t come to the library right away to pick up the handouts? You can print out the Bingo card and the Book Review Form at home! You can also fill out the Book Review Form online if you like.

Need ideas for books to read or listen to? Ask a librarian for a Personalized Reading Suggestion or check out NoveList Plus, our online Reader’s Advisory resource. Return your Bingo Card to the Chester County Library or Henrietta Hankin Branch between August 14th and August 30th. Library staff will stamp and count squares completed. Prize winners will be drawn on August 31st and will be notified by email or phone call.

Registration is required and will begin June 5th.

The Adult Reading Programs are made possible by generous donations from the Friends of the Chester County Library and the Friends of the Henrietta Hankin Branch Library.

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