Due to the inclement weather, the Chester County Library and Henrietta Hankin Branch Library will be closed on Sunday, January 19th, 2025. Stay safe and warm.

Storywalk at Exton Park

The Chester County Library installed a StoryWalk® in Exton Park in June 2017. The StoryWalk® is installed along a ½ mile paved walkway surrounding two playgrounds and a picnic area. The project consists of 20 reading stations, each featuring a page in a children’s storybook, which promotes health and literacy in young children by encouraging exercise and reading. The StoryWalk® will be updated two times a year.

Partnership Powers Library Displays

The funding for this project was made possible by the Chester County Library Trust through a donation from the Pearl Foundation. The displays were installed by Voya Financial employees on their volunteer in-service day, in cooperation with the Chester County Library and the County’s Facilities & Parks Departments.

Chester County Library Trust

Current Title

This fall we are featuring Nana, Nenek & Nina written and illustrated by Liza Ferneyhough.

Nina enjoys visiting her two faraway grandmas—one in Malaysia and one in England. Follow Nina as she experiences her two trips at the same time: Young readers will have fun comparing what is the same and what is different at Nana’s home in England and Nenek’s home in Malaysia. In each place, Nina wears different clothes, plays different games, and eats different food. But visiting Nana and Nenek is also very similar, from warm hugs at the airport to beach days and bedtime snuggles. Nina feels equally at home in Malaysia and England, and both of her grandmas love her very much.

The StoryWalk® is in Exton Park, located at 132 Church Farm Lane, Exton, PA.


Titles featured on the StoryWalk®: