The staff (rear) parking lot will be closed on Saturday, February 15th, for the Lunar New Year Lion Dance Celebration. For overflow parking, please use the parking garage or mall food court lot. Note that book donation drop-offs cannot be made by driving up. The lot will reopen on Sunday, February 16th. Thank you for your understanding.

Tools & Research


The Chester County Library and Henrietta Hankin Branch staff are here to help you with your information needs.

We have databases for research, grant seeking resources, and business programs. Meet with a Reference Librarian to find the right tools and resources for your research topics.


Candid community

The Chester County Library is part of the Candid community (formerly known as the Funding Information Network).

As part of this international network of libraries, community foundations, and other nonprofit agencies, the Chester County Library provides visitors with free public access to grantmaker directories, books on fundraising and nonprofit management, and Candid’s electronic databases (available for in-library use only).

business deal
Business and Career Center

From starting a small business to searching for a new job, the Business and Career Center has a variety of services and resources to help those in need of top-notch, authoritative information.


Request an Obituary Seach

The Chester County Library offers a free obituary search for a deceased Chester County resident from the following newspapers on microfilm:

Daily Local News, 1945 to Present
Coatesville Record, 1974 to June 1993
The Philadelphia Inquirer, 1970 to Present

We will search one week following the date you provide and will respond within one week of receiving the request.


Featured Databases and Websites

Need Help?

Book a one-on-one appointment with a staff person at Chester County Library or the Henrietta Hankin Branch. We provide one-on-one help on a variety of topics including One-on-One Technology Help; Business and Career Assistance; Reference Librarian Assistance; Candid community Help; Jacobs Technology Center Virtual Help; and Libby/OverDrive Help.