Due to the inclement weather, the Chester County Library and Henrietta Hankin Branch Library will be closed on Sunday, January 19th, 2025. Stay safe and warm.

Adult Outreach

Mail Order Delivery

The Mail Order Delivery service (MOD) of the Chester County Library System (CCLS) provides a way for Chester County residents, who are experiencing serious health or aging challenges, to receive library materials through the mail. To be eligible for this service you must be homebound due to visual impairment, physical disability or serious chronic health condition.

Customers of this service can receive, with a few exceptions, any library item that can be borrowed by coming to a Chester County Library. You may request a title or author or have our staff select materials for you based on your interests.

There is no cost for this service. These materials are sent “free of postage for persons who are blind or who cannot read or use conventionally printed matter due to a physical handicap” (as per United States Code, title 39, sections 3403-3405). CCLS pays postage for all other eligible customers.

If you would like to learn more about this service you can find a MOD Information/Application packet here.

The Outreach Department can also assist customers with accessing the Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians (LAMP), which is the regional library of the National Library Service for the Blind & Print Disabled. These services include lending of books and magazines in large print, audio and Braille formats. Also available is BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download service).  This service is available only to individuals who are blind or unable to read or use conventionally printed matter due to a physical handicap. Certification of eligibility by a competent authority is required.

Support Services for Programming Staff Serving Chester County Seniors


The following services are available to assist staff of residential facilities, Senior Centers and other Senior Day Programs in their programming needs:


Book Deposit Services

We deposit rotating collections of Large Type and Audio books in assisted living and retirement facilities. Large Type book collections are rotated every three months and Audio books are rotated every six weeks. Also available is assistance with Book Discussion Group needs.

book shelf

Programming Collection

We have an extensive collection of materials that can be used to enhance programming for seniors. This collection ranges from our Bi-Folkal Kits, which contain all that you need for a complete multi-sensory, interactive activity session, to picture sets that can supplement programs, to resource guides to help you plan your activities. You can browse our collection here: Programming Collection.

Book and Programming Material Deposits are delivered for pick-up to the Chester County System Library of your choice.

For more information

Please contact Ann Varley, 610-344-4220 or email Ann [email protected].