Strategic Business Plan
Strategic Business Plan
In 2008, the Chester County Board of Commissioners made a commitment to develop a strategic plan to set priorities and goals in order to meet the needs of the residents of Chester County. In 2010, the County implemented Managing for Results, a comprehensive and integrated management system that focuses on achieving results for the customer. This strategic plan helps to make clear what the County does, how well it does it, what it costs and the value Chester County citizens receive. During this planning process, the Commissioners identified six priority areas: Health and Human Services, Public Safety, Economy, Transportation, and Smart Financial Management.
As a department of the County, the Chester County Library and its Henrietta Hankin Branch developed our own strategic plan in order to prioritize our efforts and maximize the services we provide in an efficient and cost effective way. The original plan began in 2010 and ended in December of 2013. We are now beginning the first year of our 2019-2023 Strategic Business Plan, which places an increased focus on customer convenience, lifelong learning support and community outreach.