The staff (rear) parking lot will be closed on Saturday, February 15th, for the Lunar New Year Lion Dance Celebration. For overflow parking, please use the parking garage or mall food court lot. Note that book donation drop-offs cannot be made by driving up. The lot will reopen on Sunday, February 16th. Thank you for your understanding.

Chester County Library to Host Housing Fair on October 29th

Oct 18, 2024

The Chester County Library & District Center will host a Housing Fair on Tuesday, October 29 from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. This event is intended to aid unhoused and at-risk populations in securing stable housing. Several service organizations from around Chester County will attend to share information about their housing programs. Registration is not required.

Participating organizations include Bridge of Hope Chester County, Chester County Department of Mental Health/Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, Housing Partnership of Chester County, North Star of Chester County, and Safe Harbor of Chester County. A Mobile Navigator from the Human Needs Network will also be onsite to provide information and referral services. See a complete list of participating organizations at

At 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., the Housing Partnership of Chester County (HPCC) will lead Credit Counseling Workshops in the Burke Room. Without good credit, it is nearly impossible to secure proper/stable housing, whether renting or purchasing. During the workshop, HPCC will cover the basic principles that everyone should understand including how credit is reported, the credit bureaus, FICO scores, and how to improve your credit situation.

This Housing Fair is part of Chester County Library’s new initiative called Connect Tuesdays. Every Tuesday, the Library welcomes a different non-profit organization to host an information table promoting their services. Each week is dedicated to a different need: a housing organization is available on the first Tuesday of every month, CareerLink’s employment services on the second, the third alternates between a variety of needs, and the fourth is dedicated to Representative Kristine Howard’s Mobile Office. In addition to the service organizations, a resource specialist, called a Mobile Navigator, from the Human Needs Network is available to provide additional information on a variety of needs. Find the full schedule and visitation times at

Questions about the Housing Fair and Connect Tuesdays can be directed to Kelly Quigg, Community Engagement Librarian, at [email protected], or to the Library’s Reference Department at (610) 344-5957.

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